Helping those with autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance and gut issues take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts in Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Clear Skin from the Inside Out

Have you ever considered how gut health or internal health can affect your skin health? If you’re feeling frustrated by unresolved skin issues or you’re dealing with ongoing skin concerns, there are ways you can support your skin from the inside out. When it comes to skin health, it really goes much deeper than that first external layer. What we really have to do, like with everything, is look at the whole picture, the whole person and dig deeper into what’s going on internally. Your skin is telling you things, your skin is talking to you, and it can give you clues about what is going on internally. In this post, I’ll share ways to troubleshoot skin issues and tips about how you can get clear skin from the inside out.

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Are you Constipated?

This might come as a surprise to you, but a normal bowel movement is supposed to happen one to three times per day. If you are not having a normal bowel movement every day or it's every other day or sometimes even three to four days, that's the sign that you are constipated. Also, if you are having a hard time eliminating straining to eliminate having hard stools or incomplete elimination, or you have fatigue or brain fog or even aches and pains elsewhere in the body, it can be a sign that you're not eliminating fully and that you are indeed constipated.

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My Daily Matcha Latte Recipe

It’s no secret that I LOVE my matcha. But this was not always the case! As someone who adores the ritual of a warm cup of something in the morning, I had a pretty tough time coming to term with the fact that my morning coffee was not doing me any favors. Although I had been drinking it for years (and even worked as a barista) when I really tuned in years ago I realized that coffee was irritating my already irritated and inflamed gut, was adding to my already heightened state of stress and was a trigger for some of my worst inflammatory symptoms. My daily matcha latte recipe has been a life saver and is my favorite way to start the day!

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Can I still heal if I don’t have a diagnosis?

Having a diagnosis can be really helpful especially in our current medical system and definitely worth pursuing because it allows us to get the right medications, insurance reimbursement, and have a clear plan of action and path to healing. But, a diagnosis is not everything and waiting for a formal diagnosis to do anything about our health can stop us from what’s available to us right now. So what happens when we don’t fit into this disease category, but we still don’t feel great? It may seem as though there is nothing we can do, but actually there are many, many tools in the toolkit to support the body at this pivotal time! This is the area that I love to work in, and the area that gets missed so often in our health care system.

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