My Daily Healthcare Routines
My Daily Healthcare Routines
I share a lot about my experience with chronic illness here in my videos, blog posts, podcasts, and social media, but it’s been some time since I’ve shared what I do for my health on a daily basis! I made a rule that I don’t recommend something to a client unless I’ve tried it myself (except for maybe specific supplements that I don’t personally need) and honestly over the years I really do feel like I’ve tried it all! I’m going to take you through a day and share my favorite healthcare routines that have stuck with me over the years. Watch the video below or read on for the highlights!
I’ve spoken about the importance of a Morning Routine a few times, but for me, it’s one of the best ways to set myself up for a successful and healthy day. There are many different ways to start the morning and my routine changes often, but here are the steps I’ve been taking lately:
Wake up 1 hour before clients
Journaling and asking myself the 3 Questions to Tune In
Doing a 10-20 minute guided meditation from Insight Timer
Putting a few drops of peppermint oil on my palms and taking 3 deep breaths to engage my senses and get an energizing boost!
Some mornings I also walk out in my front yard barefoot (in any weather condition) to get grounded and connect to the natural world around me
Drink apple cider vinegar and water (1 tablespoon diluted in ¼ glass water) to stimulate digestion. I’ve dealt with low stomach acid and sluggish digestion for years and right now this ACV mixture works a treat! I do this before most meals.
Take my supplements. Supplements are very individual and I’ve taken many different ones over the years for my individual needs at the time. The ones I’m currently taking are based on recommendations from my healthcare practitioner.
Aller-C (mix of Vitamin C, Bromelain and Quercetin)
Vitamin D
B Complex
Milk thistle
I make my Matcha Latte Recipe to give myself a gentle energy boost along with some protein and fat to keep my blood sugar balanced.
I get ready for client sessions by dropping into short meditations to get grounded and feel into what’s needed that day.
Digestive support before meals and snacks:
5 deep belly breaths to get myself into the “rest and digest” state
Slowing down and giving gratitude for food
Chewing my food and being present
Walk or do some resting postures
I take herb blends from my TCM practitioner
Digestive support for dinner:
Implement my digestion routines above
Get in some fermented foods (1-2 tablespoons) and some good fiber from veggies to ensure I’m feeding myself and my microbiome what it needs!
I implement a Transition Routine to move from work into my evening which lately has been:
Walk around the block
Taking a shower
Putting my legs up the wall
Some nights I use a Castor oil pack to support my liver! Castor oil, when used topically, is thought to aid in elimination and help the cells in the liver in the process of detoxification. It also helps stimulate the flow of lymph. To create a Castor oil pack I:
Massage Castor oil on the liver region which is located beneath the right rib cage
Place a washcloth over it
Place a heating pack or hot water bottle over that and allow it to sink in for 30 minutes
A big part of supporting my health is supporting and protecting my energy. I know the activities that take my energy (social media, multitasking, big social events, etc.) so I’m sure to add activities in my day that give me energy so I can fill up and avoid getting depleted at the end of the day. Things that help give me energy:
Putting limits on social media time in the evening (phone away by 8pm)
Reading fiction or listening to music
I occasionally take magnesium before bed which is great for relaxing the body and supporting sleep. And that takes me to the end of my day!
This is my current routine which is really a snapshot in time and changes frequently. If we are paying attention to our bodies and their needs, our routines are going to change and that’s great! You can see how sometimes health involves food and supplements, but for me, the biggest piece is how I structure my day and support my energy to avoid fatigue and burnout.
What are some of your favorite daily healthcare practices?
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If we haven't met before, I'm Christina Tidwell and I'm so excited that you're here! I am a RN & Functional Nutrition Practitioner that helps those with autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance and gut issues heal without overwhelm so you can feel better in your body in a way that honors your unique needs and feels sustainable for the rest of your life.
If you suffer from:
Fatigue and energy crashes
Brain fog
Poor digestion
Painful periods and PMS
Symptoms of autoimmunity
Stress and overwhelm
...and aren't getting the support you need, I’m here to help guide you! My job is to clear the overwhelm, help you put the pieces of the puzzle together and co-create a sustainable path forward to help you reach your goals and feel better in your amazing body. When we work together you can’t fail.
In my health & nutrition coaching programs I support you in the quest to get back into balance by listening to your story, understanding your needs, getting to the roots of imbalance in the body and co-creating a sustainable path to healing together. These sessions weave together functional nutrition and science, lived experience, mindset shifts, and intuitive guidance for a unique and full-spectrum approach to nutrition counseling and holistic health.
I always offer free 20-minute discovery sessions to get clear on your major health concerns and identify what’s standing in your way. Click the button below to set up your free consultation and we can create a plan of action specifically for you.