Helping those with autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance and gut issues take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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LIVE WELL PODCAST | Ep #53 - Resting postures with Josh Gellert

Resting Postures

As a society we are busier than ever, and finding ways to create calm and achieve a sense of rest and homeostasis in our physical bodies can feel increasingly challenging, especially if we have the added stress of chronic illness on the body. Today we’re going to focus on a concept that was new to me, called “resting postures.” Resting postures are physical postures that allow us to tap into biological memory to help our bodies truly rest and recover. 

I brought my friend and colleague Josh Gellert on the podcast today because he is a wealth of knowledge about the physical body, and brings a really holistic, whole body approach to his treatment and care.

Josh Gellert, P.T., D.P.T, S.C.S., is a physical therapist and board-certified sports specialist at the Sports Medicine Center at Husky Stadium. Dr. Gellert’s focus is the post-operative rehabilitation of injured athletes, sports trauma, adolescent sports injuries and rotational athletes. He strives to create active partnerships with his patients to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

Dr. Gellert earned his D.P.T. from New York University. His clinical interests include post-surgical rehabilitation of the knee, shoulder, hip, foot and spine, non-operative sports trauma, adolescent sports injuries, rotational athletes and prevention of ACL injuries. His research interests include rehabilitation and prevention of hamstring injuries, rehabilitation of non-arthritic hip, rehabilitation and post-surgical outcomes of ACL and rotator cuff injuries and concussion management.   

Join us as we explore resting postures and how you can incorporate them into your daily life!


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Show Notes:

  • 0:00 Intro 

  • 0:50 Introducing Joshua Gellert P.T., D.P.T, S.C.S.

  • 2:20 Josh talks about his work and clinical experience

  • 6:30 The important role of the PT on our care team 

  • 8:00 Definition of Resting Postures

  • 10:50 The importance of the Vagus Nerve in our stress response 

  • 14:00 How to shift into a parasympathetic state

  • 20:00 12 Different resting postures 

  • 21:00 Your body sitting in a chair trains your body to be in a sub-clinical fight or flight 

  • 24:00 Check out the full range of postures and photos here >>

  • 27:00 The benefits from incorporating Resting Postures in your daily life

    • Baseline energy increase

    • Better carryover with other interventions (stretches, exercises, etc.)

    • Better recovery from exercise

  • 32:55 Outro

Josh Gellert

Connect with Josh


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If we haven't met before, I'm Christina Tidwell, founder and owner of Live Well with Christina. I'm so excited that you're here and have begun to delve into your health and wellness journey! Here at Live Well we help people with autoimmune disease take control of their health through nutrition, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment.  

If you suffer from:

  • Fatigue and energy crashes

  • Brain fog

  • Poor digestion

  • Symptoms of autoimmunity

  • Stress and overwhelm 

...and aren't getting the support you need, I can help guide you through the scope of 1:1 health and nutrition coaching.

Health coaching is a necessary extension of the health care system in that together we have more time to uncover issues, implement strategies and assess outcomes together to help you make sustainable and lasting changes. I offer accountability, knowledgeable guidance and most importantly support.

I always offer free 30-minute discovery sessions to get clear on your major health concerns and what’s standing in your way. Click the button below to set up your free consultation and we can create a plan of action specifically for you.