Helping those with autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance and gut issues take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment

Eating for Energy


Let me know if this feels familiar…

You wake up not feeling hungry and without enough time to make breakfast, but reach for that delicious coffee you’ve been looking forward to to get you going and able to meet the day. As you drink it you feel instantly more alert, but then start to notice that “wired but tired” feeling underneath the caffeine buzz and a slight stomach ache.

You make it through the morning, but by the afternoon you’re feeling that energy crash. The one where you want to put your head down on your computer and take a massive nap and mainline caffeine. You find yourself grabbing something sweet or eating those stale leftover cookies from the work meeting or your kids fruit snacks just to be able to make it through the rest of the day! 

You power through and by the time you get to dinner, you’re STARVING and just need to get something in your body quickly no matter what it is. You’re still hungry after dinner and feel like you deserve a treat (I mean, you do) so the snacking starts and it feels a little out of control. 

You try to go to bed early but you get a second wind and feel the freedom of FINALLY doing whatever you want which makes it difficult, OR you find yourself falling asleep but waking up at 3am feeling wide awake, remembering things you forgot to do and trying to solve all the world’s problems in the middle of the night.

It feels like a cycle you can’t quite get out of as you’re just reacting to the day and all that life throws at you.

What if I told you it could be different? 


What if you could wake up in the morning and fuel your body in a way that feels good for you?

If you felt more even and sustained energy throughout the day without crashes. 

If you knew exactly how to eat to balance your blood sugar and give your body the fuel it needs. 

If you felt full and satisfied after meals! And felt in control of your cravings without feeling restricted?

How would it feel for your 4/10 energy levels to be more like 8, 9 or 10/10 energy levels?

There is SO much information out there right now about how to be healthy, and it feels like there are a million things we could or “should” be doing for our health. But when it comes to supporting energy, what’s REALLY going to move the needle? 

After coaching hundreds of people through healing journeys in my last decade of doing this work, there are 3 clear steps I always have my clients take to support balanced energy and I can’t wait to share them with you!

Inside the Eating For Energy Mini-Course, you will learn 3 simple and effective steps to take to fuel your body for sustained energy and improved sleep on a daily basis. 

I’m taking all of the guesswork and overwhelm out of what to do next and giving you your next steps to get where you want to go. 

First you’ll assess your energy and symptoms, follow my simple 3 step method, and then assess again in 2-3 weeks and see the changes. 

Inside Eating For Energy You’ll Receive:

✔️ Immediate access to the 3-module mini-course guiding you through the process of assessment, understanding, and implementation

✔️ 40 of my favorite blood sugar-balancing recipes (that are delicious and very easy to make!)

✔️ Balanced snack list guide

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused about what and how to eat to feel your best, this course is your next, simple step to focus on to make tangible and sustainable change in how you feel.

Real people real results

After 2 decades and thousands of dollars wasted on every kind of healthcare practitioner that exists, I finally found Christina! The biggest tangible changes I have noticed since beginning the program has been that I have the energy level that I had 20 years ago! I am more intentional in my decision making in all areas of my life, especially what I eat. My days working with Christina were the most productive, encouraging, thoughtful days of my life! I would recommend Christina’s work to anyone and everyone who wants to live a healthy life.
— Mikkell
The biggest tangible changes I have noticed since beginning the program have been greatly improved energy levels, less anxiety and a generally improved sense of well-being.
— Phyllis
I now feel so empowered about how to best support my body not just nutritionally but holistically. I am forever grateful to Christina and working with her was the best investment I ever made for myself, my health and well-being.
— Joanna


If we haven’t met yet, I’m Christina!

After my own experience with chronic autoimmune disease at a young age, I became a Registered Nurse to help people heal. Working in the conventional medical system I saw how it was supportive in acute scenarios, but was not set up to get to the root cause of bigger, underlying issues.

I became a Functional Nutrition Coach and Breathwork Facilitator and started my own healing practice. Since then I have had the honor of working with hundreds of individuals to take control of their health and uncover their body’s innate healing potential.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Southern California and a Masters of Nursing from the University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia.

I am a critical care trained Registered Nurse, Board Certified Nurse Coach through the American Holistic Nurses Association, Certified Holistic Health Coach trained at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Certified Breathwork Facilitator, and a Functional Nutrition Practitioner certified through the Functional Nutrition Alliance.

Learn more about my personal story here.

  • This minicourse is for anyone wanting to boost their energy and learn how to fuel your body in the way it deserves If you’re feeling overwhelmed about conflicting health advice and confused about what steps to take to feel you best, this course will provide you with simple, clear, and effective steps to take.

  • You can listen to this entire 3-module course in just over an hour! I’ve designed it to be bite-sized, easy to understand and actionable. There is enough going on in your life right now, this program is designed to make your life easier an give you more energy.

  • The Eating for Energy recipe book provides a mix of foods with animal and plant based protein and a wide variety of nutrient dense veggies to support your body and energy. Feel free to tailor any of the reipes to meet your specific needs.