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My Daily Matcha Latte Recipe

Matcha Latte

It’s no secret that I LOVE my matcha. But this was not always the case! As someone who adores the ritual of a warm cup of something in the morning, I had a pretty tough time coming to term with the fact that my morning coffee was not doing me any favors. Although I had been drinking it for years (and even worked as a barista) when I really tuned in years ago I realized that coffee was irritating my already irritated and inflamed gut, was adding to my already heightened state of stress and was a trigger for some of my worst inflammatory symptoms.

When transitioning away from coffee I realized I needed something tasty and satisfying I could put in it’s place! I love this matcha latte recipe and enjoy it pretty much every morning. The addition of fat and protein keep my blood sugar stable, and the caffeine in the matcha gives me a much more even energy boost than coffee.

L-Theanine, an amino acid found in matcha, combines with caffeine to create increased focused and sustained energy throughout the day. L-Theanine can help lower blood pressure, enhance mood and promotes a sense of calmness by relaxing alpha waves in the brain (associated with a feeling of happiness and alertness) and increasing dopamine production – two of the brain’s ‘feel good’ chemicals. [1] I find matcha to be really gentle and must easier on my nervous system than coffee. It’s worth experimenting to see what works for you!

Matcha is also a potent antioxidant. On the ORAC scale (oxygen radical absorbance capacity – a measure of the antioxidant capacity of food), it surpasses all other antioxidant rich foods including blueberries, pomegranates, and dark chocolate. As you can see there are tons of reasons to give matcha a try! Let me know how you like the recipe below!

My daily matcha latte recipe



  • 1 scoop matcha powder (I love Soar Organics)

  • 2 scoops collagen powder (I’m currently using Naked Nutrition Collagen and love it!)

  • Splash of coconut milk OR 1 tbsp coconut butter

  • Dash of cinnamon

  • 8oz hot water


  1. Place all ingredients into a blender except water.

  2. Allow the boiled water to cool slightly and pour into the mixture to avoid burning the matcha.

  3. Blend until frothy and combined (about 30 seconds)

  4. Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!