Helping those with autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance and gut issues take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts in Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Stuck On What You "Should" Be Doing For Your Health?

Stuck on what you “should” be doing for your health? In the quest to feel better these “shoulds” can leave us feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and guilty as we feel like we’re always one step behind. In this post, learn how I counteract these “shoulds” so we can tap into your own innate wisdom for sustainable healing!

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A Personal Update from Me

I was sitting down to write some new content recently, and I just felt really stuck and really blocked. I kept thinking to myself, “What do I want to share? What do I want to say?”. And when I asked myself these questions, what kept coming through to me was: just be human, just bring the human.

Check out this post for a personal update from me on some big changes that have happened in my life over the past few months, an update on my own healing journey, some exciting updates in my work, and how I’m planning to show up online.

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Breathwork to Support Digestion

Are you someone that eats really quickly or is always eating on the go? Maybe you eat when you’re stressed or you often end up eating between meetings or at your computer?

Breathwork is an amazing healing tool for getting ready to eat and putting our body in a place where it's able to digest. One of my favorite ways to use breathwork to support digestion is to use “four, seven, eight” breathing for digestion. This video will take you through a breathing exercise so you can try this practice for yourself!

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