Helping those with autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance and gut issues take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts in Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Overcoming Wellness Burnout

If you’re feeling like your daily wellness routines are a chore or something that’s becoming really overwhelming then you may be experiencing wellness burnout. I define wellness burnout as a state of increased stress and overwhelm that comes from the constant pursuit of health and wellness practices. In this post, I share the importance of having a toolkit and a few questions that you can use as soon as you feel that your body needs it.

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My Work From Home Tips To Support Energy

I’m sharing some useful tips that have helped me to support my energy and increase productivity while working from home. To me, this is a very timely topic as many of us have shifted to a work-from-home environment over the past few months. I made this transition myself and had to create new habits & routines when I went from working in a hospital as an RN to taking on this business and work full-time from home.

These work from home practices revolve around personal boundaries, routines, transitions, and activities that will help you support yourself and your energy. Especially if working from home is feeling overwhelming, this post is for you!

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My Daily Healthcare Routines

I share a lot about my experience with chronic illness, but it’s been some time since I’ve shared what I do for my health on a daily basis! In this post, I’m sharing the things that I do daily to help keep myself healthy - physically, mentally, and emotionally. These are some of my favorite healthcare routines that have stuck with me over the years. Read on to get a glimpse of what my day looks like, from meditation to nutrition, and what I do to wind down in the evening.

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Gluten-Free Seed Bread [Recipe]

The nuts and seeds in this gluten-free bread provide great vitamins and nutrients combined with fiber to support a healthy digestive system so it’s a real upgrade from a piece of bread high in refined carbohydrates. It’s all held together without flour with the magic of psyllium seed husks! Psyllium seed husks contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber dissolves in water and soothes the digestive tract with its mucilaginous properties, while the insoluble fiber acts like a broom to sweep the the colon. My family loves this bread and I make a loaf every 1-2 weeks to have on hand! I really hope you enjoy it!

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